If you would like to commission me to produce a piece of work - be this a logo, banner or a hand-drawn / coloured sketch or portrait, I will be more than happy to oblige. Please use the provided Contact Me page to begin the discussions.
Logos & Banners
Digitally produced banners and logos are designed in close liaison with the client. A variety of sizes and formats are produced so that the banner and / or logo can be used for different purposes.
Prices will vary based on the complexity of the piece.
Portraits, Pinups & Sketches
All of the above are available in a number of formats. I usually sketch on thick A4 size paper. Sketches are either pencil or outlined with ink. I also use A4, A3 and A2 size Bristol Board for more "finished" art pieces.
All drawings are spray-fixed to stop pencil lines from rubbing off, ensuring a more professional finish. If a coloured sketch is requested, this will be produced on 70gsm Bleed-proof paper and mounted on Bristol board for rigidity.
Please contact me with any specific requirements, and of course the subject of the artwork you desire. Price will vary according to the requirements.
Web Sites
If you require a web site designing, please get in touch - prices and availability will depend greatly on your needs. Note that I only offer design and maintenance services, not hosting.