Some thoughts on this series: classic, modern and the podcast I co-host.
Time Lore Addendum
Available on the Geek Syndicate Network, Time Lore Addendum is a semi-regular Monthly podcast hosted by David Monteith, assisted by myself.

In the 'cast (banner designed by me!), we review Doctor Who stories produced by Big Finish Audio Adventures set in and around the Television stories being discussed in the main Time Lore podcast.
The Classic Series (1963-1989, 1996)
One of my earliest television memories is of Doctor Who. I recall a scene in which Peter Davison, as the fifth incarnation of the wandering Time Lord stood on a mist-filled plain, said something to an off-screen opponent then pressed a button on a small device in his right hand and vanished from sight.
Years later, my brother bought The Five Doctors on VHS Video Cassette and as I watched it, the scene I remembered unfolded before my eyes. Skip to 02:40 in the following video to see the scene:
Most people have the Doctor they grew up with as their favourite. I am not really an exception to this as MY Doctor was the Seventh - played by Sylvester McCoy from 1987-1989. That said, I firmly believe that the BEST Doctor was the second, Patrick Troughton.
He had the enormous task of replacing a principle in a successfull TV show and really, the future of the show was balanced on his shoulders. Patrick Troughton is still the defining Doctor in my eyes.
The New Series (2005 - ????)
In 2005, Doctor Who returned to the television screen headed by Welsh writer Russell T Davies and with Christopher Eccleston playing the role of The Doctor. The series proved to be a massive success and Davies ran the show until 2009 after four series and a series of special episodes.
Writer Steven Moffat (creator of comedy Coupling and lead writer / showrunner on the recent Jekyll series and Sherlock Holmes) took over as show-runner in 2010. In my opinion, the series has gone from strong to stronger since his tenure began.