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Dalek Travel Machines - Mark 5 Travel Machine

In Use By

Generation 05, Generation 06, Generation 07, Generation 08


The first of the standard casings to be designed entirely by Dalek science units, the Mark Five Travel Machine was a vast improvement over all previous models. Specifically designed and constructed to combat Time Lord science, the Time War armour was far bulkier, designed to withstand the pressures of the Time Vortex itself for periods of time, this machine forms a formidable attack and defence system for its living occupant.


The Mark Five Travel Machine Casing
The Mark Five Travel Machine Casing

Thicker armour and a force field generator capable of disintegrating ballistics before they reached the Dalek formed the core of the Mark Five’s defences. A rotating shoulder section allowed the Dalek creature 360 degree firepower, meaning each Dalek could act as a stationary turret. Half of the sensor globes were now explosive devices, which could either be left as mines, or utilised in the Dalek's self destruct system. As with previous casings, a number of different, interchangeable arm attachments were available for insertion into the arm sockets.

Rather than opening at the dome, the entire shoulder unit now split open, the mutant occupant being fully exposed to the environment. The casing was completely sealed from the environment – capable of resisting submersion, burial and the vacuum of space. The internal configuration of the Mark Five casing was the same as that of the Mark Three, although the technology installed was significantly more advanced.

The advanced targeting systems and computer modules were capable of limited temporal tracking, allowing the occupant to be aware of enemies approaching a few rels in the past or future in ambush. The nutrient tank utilised advanced re-processing systems that meant the fluids did not need to be replenished.

Slower than the Mark Four, the power generator and motive units enable this model to levitate and fly for extended periods of time. The propulsion will even allow the Dalek to manoeuvre through space, eliminating much of the need for the Trans-solar discs used by Dalek units of previous generations. The occupant of a Mark Five Machine became the pinnacle of ground, aerial and space combat and a true threat to even Time Lord technology.


Dalek, Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways, Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan, Evolution of the Daleks, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End, Victory of the Daleks, Asylum of the Daleks, Day of the Doctor, Time of the Doctor.

Dalek Section Leader in Mk5 Travel Machine
Dalek Section Leader in Mk5 Travel Machine
Dalek Sec - Supreme Casing
A Dalek of the Imperial Faction
Dalek Drones During the Time War
Dalek Drones During the Time War
A Member of the Eternity Circle
A Member of the Eternity Circle