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Other Casings - Psyche Dalek Casing

In Use By

Psyche Daleks - Generation 01.


The Daleks used a Robotisation process to create cheap and expendable guards for conquered worlds. The original remote-control headsets were controlled from computer terminals which could be over-ridden by saboteurs as happened during the invasion of Earth in the twenty-second century. To combat this, Dalek Scientists determined that the use of cerebrally advanced Dalek creatures would ensure consistent control over the slaves. In addition, this allowed the headsets themselves to be streamlined. A unique casing was required to house these over-sized Dalek mutants and the Psyche Dalek Casing was the result. Later, the robotisation process was further improved, and the Psyche Daleks became obsolete.


Psyche Dalek Casing
Psyche Dalek Casing

The Psyche Dalek Casing was a modified version of the Mark One Travel Machine developed by Davros during his early experiments and researches into the evolution of the Kaled race. At the top of the casing sat the globe shaped habitation module. This was made of a weaker, transparent form of the bonded-polycarbide used to manufacture regular Dalek casings. Only two luminoscity dischargers were present on the dome and a central eye-stalk was also featured. Within the habitation module, the mutant was clearly visible and had been mutated into what appeared to be a giant brain. The enhanced cerebrum was necessary for the mutant to maintain cohesive control over multiple robotised subjects.

The remainder of the casing remained identical to the Mark One Travel Machine; however solar power collectors were installed around the mid-section to supplement the power generated by the internal power generator. Fifty-two (52) sensor globes were positioned around the lower half of the casing and the usual two manipulator arm ports were also present. The Psyche casings were of the science caste and as such were uniformally silver in colour with blue sensor globes.

Beneath the habitation module was the nutrient tank that feeds an improved mix of nutrients directly to the occupant of the casing. The majority of the base unit was taken up by the advanced life-support and cooling systems required to keep the occupant in a stable physical and psychological condition. A power plant as used in the Mark Three Travel Machine provided power to these systems but the increased requirements of the life support systems meant that the casing was both slower and had a less powerful weapon system if installed. This was not usually a concern, since the Psyche Daleks seldom left Dalek control centres or space vessels.


Emperor of the Daleks