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Generation 02 - The "Dal" Daleks: Dalek Slaves, Mercenaries & Allies

As the vanguard of the Dalek Empire during its earliest days, the Generation Two Daleks employed the same mentality and philosphy towards non-Daleks as did those of the first generation. Any non-Dalek life encountered was subjugated and put to work in mines and construction facilities across the growing sphere of Dalek influence in the galaxy. Robomen were utilised more frequently by the Second Generation Daleks as there were fewer of them involved in the initial planetary occupations and a reliable guard force was needed. By the same token, Varga Plants, Slythers and other predators were seeded on planets shortly after the Dalek spearheads arrived.

  • Known As: Dalek Empire, Dal Daleks, Mark Two Daleks
  • Screen Appearances: The Daleks, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Power of the Daleks
  • Print Appearances: Legacy of the Daleks
  • Audio Appearances: The Mutant Phase
Generation Summary
A Human Roboman
A Human Roboman