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Generation 07 - The "Human Daleks": The Cult of Skaro

Shortly after their re-emergence into the universe, the Cult of Skaro instigated an emergency temporal shunt, sending themselves spiralling through the vortex to escape the immediate danger of being sucked back into the void between realities. Linked together, the four survivors arrived on Earth in the 1930s. Here a new plan was hatched to ensure the survival of the Dalek race. Dalek Sec remained in overall command of the group. As a Dalek Supreme housed in an all-black Mark Five Travel Machine, Sec outranked the three bronze cased Daleks – Caan, Thay and Jast. As a result of his Supreme status, Dalek Sec had also been augmented with more independence of thought than his fellows.

On arrival and once a base of operations had been established, the Cult formed a plan to rebuild the Dalek Empire. Determining that reverting to a humanoid form would increase the efficiency of a new breed of Dalek; plans were made to engineer such a form for themselves as well as to condition native populations with the Dalek Factor. Ultimately, Dalek Sec merged with a Human, becoming the first "Human Dalek". The remaining three members of the cult remained in their true Dalek form.

  • Known As: Human Daleks
  • Screen Appearances: Daleks in Manhattan, Evolution of the Daleks
  • Print Appearances: None
  • Audio Appearances: None
Generation Summary
Dalek Sec Hybrid
Dalek Sec Hybrid
Dalek Thay - Sacrificed Panels
Dalek Thay - Sacrificed Panels