of the Daleks
of the Daleks
of the Daleks
of the Daleks
of the Daleks
of the Daleks
Slavery remained as important to the Dalek Empire as always. The native inhabitants of the Seriphia Galaxy were all subjugated by the Daleks and knew no other life. In the Dalek advance into Earth's sphere of influence, one slave became particularly important to the empire's advance. Susan Mendes explained to her captors the need for regular food and rest for the slave workforce. Given these, workers would remain efficient – particularly if they were given hope.
The Emperor Dalek "promoted" Susan and gave her an escort of subservient drones at all times. She travelled the conquered worlds of Earth's galaxy, spreading a message of hope to the other slaves and increasing productivity by a large margin. Acts of sabotage became increasingly less frequent as the 'Angel of Mercy' visited planet after planet. Her efforts to bring life and hope to the slaves of the Empire drew the attention of Earth's military command, which initially sent missions to try and assassinate her. All these were thwarted, and after a while, such attempts halted. No Dalek beneath the Emperor knew that this was because a hidden message of rebellion was being spread as Mendes toured.