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Leadership Casings - Kaled Mobility and Life Support Chair

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The life-support system utilised by the Kaleds to keep their chief scientist alive was modelled after previous systems designed to cater for less badly injured individuals. The top scientists of all relevant fields were involved with the modification and improvement of the basic mobility chair into a device that could keep someone as crippled as Davros alive. Many of the systems in the chair were based upon the principles and blueprints from Davros' own burgeoning research into life support and life-extending technologies. Davros continually upgraded his life support chair whenever time and resources allowed – to this end, the unit attained new functions as the years of Davros' life passed by. Ultimately, the chair was abandoned in favour of an Emperor casing. Following Davros' return to fight and command forces in the Time War, the scientist was housed in a heavily updated version of the mobility chair based on the Mark Five design.


Kaled Life Support & Mobility Chair
Kaled Life Support & Mobility Chair

In appearance, the life-support system resembled the lower half of the Travel Machines which Davros designed to house the end result of the mutation of the Kaled race. The chair was squatter than its successors, with smaller sensor globes around the base. There are fifty-two (52) of these devices, which the internal systems used to maintain a continuous optimum environment for the occupant. Around the top rim of the chair were a number of switches and buttons that controlled the chair's workings, the motive unit and could also be programmed to utilise technology external to the chair remotely. The occupant was placed in the unit, with their back supported by a comfortable padded chair-back. If required, the occupant could be strapped to this in order to restrain them.

The chair contained the technology required to keep its occupant alive almost indefinitely, even beyond the limits of their normal life-span. In addition, the chair featured an advanced suspended animation feature – this particular system was installed by Davros after meeting the Doctor for the first time. Lack of mention of himself in the Daleks' future led him to become wary of his creations. The chair contained life support functions that continually checked the occupant's well-being, balancing the chemicals in their brain as well as providing balanced nutrition to them. Davros' personal life-support system had several hidden compartments, from which he could extract various toxins and mind-control drugs – a small number of which could be produced within the chair itself if no larger laboratory was available to the scientist.

The mobility chair was powered by a self sustaining power generator that draws energy from the surrounding environment to maintain a full charge. The motive unit allowed the occupant to travel at relatively quick speeds; in addition it could levitate around five centimetres from the surface it was travelling over. Davros later modified his mobility chair to allow for levitation of up to fifty centimetres. While mainly Black and Silver in design, Davros later re-coloured the casing to match the cream and gold livery of his Imperial Dalek Faction.

Time War Variant of the Chair
Time War Variant of the Chair

For his use during the Time War, Davros was placed in a new chair which maintained the functions of the original chair while sharing in the advanced features of the Mark Five Travel Machine.


Genesis of the Daleks, Resurrection of the Daleks, Davros, Revalation of the Daleks, The Juggernauts, Emperor of the Daleks, The Stolen Earth, Journey’s End

Davros and His Creations
Davros and His Creations
Close Up Of Controls
Close Up Of Controls
Davros in Time War Variant Chair
Davros in Time War Variant Chair