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Leadership Casings - Time War Emperor Casing

In Use By

Emperor Dalek – Generation 05 and Generation 06.


For the onset of the Time War, the Dalek Emperor initiated the development of an enhanced casing for all members of the Dalek race. This included the design of a casing for itself that would allow movement around the Empire while maintaining the computational power and control that was allowed by the Skaro-City casing. This new casing would provide adequate protection from Time Lord Technologies as well.


Time War Emperor Casing
Time War Emperor Casing

The most significant variation between this and any other Dalek casing was the fact that the occupant of the casing was fully visible to the outside world. Hanging beneath the over-sized "Head Dome", this could prove disconcerting to those addressing the Emperor – should conversation be addressed to the creature, or the Eye-stalk? The dome itself contained all the processors and memory banks necessary for the Emperor to oversee all Dalek operations. As with the majority of Dalek casings in the Time War, the Emperor's casing was finished in a uniform bronze colour scheme.

Extending down from the dome and around the Emperor's habitation module, three shield-like "legs" contained interface probes that could be extended into various ports within Dalek Command Centres, cities or starships in order that the Emperor could access their data gathering sources as if they were an extension of itself. The "Leg Shields" included navigational thrusters that allowed the Emperor to move around and an internal matter-transmission system enabled the casing to move instantly through space to a range of five kilometres. The smaller more mobile casing previously adopted for moving about the Empire was now obsolete.

Life Support systems were located within and beneath the transparent Habitation Module. From the bottom of this unit, a number of manipulator arms extended, allowing the Emperor a more full control over his environment than was possible in previous casings.

Paradigm Emperor Casing
Paradigm Emperor Casing

When the New Dalek Paradigm was spawned from the progenitor, a new Emperor was gestated to lead the empire from Skaro which was restored using temporal technology. The casing used by this Emperor was an upgraded version of the casing used during the Time War. It was slightly re-designed to mimic design elements from the Mark Six Travel Machine and finished in Strategist blue.


Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways, City of the Daleks

The Emperor Dalek - "God" of all Daleks
The Emperor Dalek - "God" of all Daleks
The Paradigm Emperor on Skaro
The Paradigm Emperor on Skaro