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Dalek Transport - Dalek Kill Cruiser

In Use By

Generations 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 08 and 09.


Throughout the Daleks' space faring history, one ship design dominated their fleets. The Dalek Kill Cruiser (also known as Dalek Saucer or Dalek Command Ship) became a symbol of fear to rival that of the Dalek itself. While other designs were used by the race as large-scale, capital class ships, the basic Kill Cruiser design was a stable factor throughout Dalek history. A number of variations to the basic Kill Cruiser have been sighted, most notable of these were the massive Command Ships and Mother Ships used by the highest ranking Dalek commanders.


Dalek Kill Cruisers
Dalek Kill Cruisers

Kill Cruisers were uniformly saucer-like in shape, with large round bases which tapered to a rounded dome at the top of the vessel. The underside of the ship was dominated by a number of drive units and weapon systems which appeared as hemispheres protruding from the base of the ship. Up until the advent of the Fifth Generation of Daleks, Kill Cruisers were usually black or metallic grey in colour – those of the Fifth Generation shared a bronze finish with their occupants. Kill-Cruisers appeared to have no external decoration Other than the occasionally visible weapon blister, although view ports were present on all known models.

The basic Dalek Kill Cruiser carried around two-thousand, two-hundred and fifty (2,250) Dalek units. Roughly two-hundred and fifty (250) of these units were actively part of the ship's crew. This crew was an integral part of the ship, interfacing with the ship's systems directly rather than relying on screens and external controls. Such controls were present on the ships, used by the remainder of the Dalek units stationed on the Kill-Cruiser.

The remainder of the Dalek Units were made up of either Science Caste Units or military units. Mixed-caste crews were not unknown, however – particularly on the larger vessels.

Kill cruisers were commanded by the highest ranking Dalek on board which was always of at least Section Leader rank. Ships contained a number of ranked Daleks for leading various mission profiles. The Emperor Dalek travelled in an over-sized Kill Cruiser, roughly ten times the size of a normal vessel.

As would be expected, Dalek Kill Cruisers were extremely well armed, armoured and further protected by a variety of shielding techniques. This was especially true of Time War cruisers which had to be able to withstand the temporal assaults of the Time Lords.


The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The Parting of the Ways, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End, Victory of the Daleks, Asylum of the Daleks, Day of the Doctor, Time of the Doctor, Into the Dalek, Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer

An Early Dalek Kill Cruiser
An Early Dalek Kill Cruiser
A Time War Era Kill Cruiser Fleet
A Time War Era Kill Cruiser Fleet